about us


To educate, incubate, and activate future leaders in food and nutrition sectors, who are determined to use their practice and platforms to cultivate a more just, regenerative, and climate-resilient future for all.


To become the go-to resource for food and nutrition professionals on the intersection of food, health, and climate, and provide an unparalleled opportunity for our community to channel their unique passions and skills to counter the climate crisis.

Theory of Change

We share the belief that human health is inseparable from the stewardship of Earth's natural systems, and food is the strongest lever to optimize both.

Food and nutrition professionals are uniquely poised to influence multiple sectors within the food system & champion more evidence-driven, healthful, & sustainable practices.

To leverage that influence, food & nutrition professionals require better mentorship, training, & tools on effective, & accessible opportunities to advocate for multi-sectoral, climate-positive action.

PHC aims to build an active & competent coalition of leaders who effectively bridge food & nutrition practices with social & environmental justice, & center communities most impacted.

guiding principles
  • We are a movement to mitigate climate change and nourish human health by leveraging the unique role of food and nutrition professionals in the fight. We stand together in acknowledgment of the urgent priority that climate change poses to our society, and we will use our intimate proximity to food and nutrition systems to promote the health and wellbeing of people and the planet.
  • We believe that to make climate-conscious eating a norm and not a privilege, we must actively dismantle systems that propagate health, wealth, and hunger disparities. All people should have the right to access, afford, prepare, and eat food that is nutritionally and culturally appropriate. We advocate for equitable food systems through federal and local policies that protect and expand nutrition assistance programs, and as well as the hard-working communities who grow, distribute, prepare, and serve our food.
  • We practice deep reverence for the cultures, communities, and customs from whom the conception of planetary health originated, and we elevate these predecessors in all iterations of our work. We actively work to disentangle and diminish the presence of colonialist narratives in the fight for climate justice by elevating both the rich histories and active presence of disenfranchised peoples from whom the concept of planetary health truly originated.
  • We are a diverse global community from all walks of life; we practice respect and radical nonjudgement in both word and action, and practice anti-xenophobia and anti-racism by actively including, elevating, and centering marginalized voices. We value our differences, respect each other, and band together in our shared vision for a brighter future. We practice empathy and non-judgement in our mission to promote personal and planetary health, and we do not tolerate bigotry or hatred in any form.
  • We acknowledge each other’s unique gifts, and we play an active role in elevating, supporting, and caring for one another and our networks. We prize our connections and community and always practice professional civility. We strive to take care of ourselves and each other to maintain our strength as a movement. We share opportunities and referrals in an effort to further our cause and our community. ​
  • We cultivate curiosity, embrace experimentation, reward creativity, and take initiative to learn together. We adopt a growth mindset to continuously learn and adapt, with kindness and humility. We communicate clearly and compassionately.
  • We grow our power by engaging daily in the work, talking to our local communities, and building frameworks and systems to operationalize a “new normal” in regenerative food and nutrition. We understand that regular engagement is a necessity to address the urgency that the climate crisis poses to society. We innovate to create tools and systems that make the most nutritious and ecological choices, the easiest choices.
  • We stand in solidarity with other movements and organizations that align with our mission, vision, and values. There is no dividing line that separates movements towards social, economic, and environmental justice. We strategically partner with an intersectional range of allies to build political power in support of our vision to create justice, equity, and sustainability in human and environmental health.